Dr. Mindy Pelz: How to Fast, Eat & Work Out “Like a Girl”

Joseph sits down with Dr. Mindy Pelz, who is a D.C., nutrition and functional health expert who has spent over two decades helping thousands of people successfully reclaim their health. She is a recognized leader in the alternative health field and a pioneer in the fasting movement, teaching the principles of a fasting lifestyle, diet variation, detox, hormones, and more. Her popular YouTube channel regularly updates followers on the latest science-backed tools and techniques to help them reset their health. She is the host of one of the leading science podcasts, The Resetter Podcast, and the author of three best-selling books.

In anticipation of her book, Fast Like A Girl, in this episode, Dr. Mindy Pelz describes the importance of understanding women’s hormones to fully optimize their health and unlock their “superpowers.” In her work, Dr. Mindy not only helps solve the fasting issue for women, but gives women a framework that is relevant for anything in their life—from exercise, to socialization, to protein intake. This is a must-listen for all women and the men who love them.

You’ll hear from Dr. Mindy on:

(7:45) Cracking the Code: At age 45 years old, Dr. Mindy tested her hormones and realized they were worse than a post-menopausal woman. She looked into how to balance three sex hormones: estrogen, progesterone and testosterone, diving into the science of what these hormones need at different points of a menstrual cycle. She looked to fasting and found a way to crack the code on how to adjust fasting cycles that align with a womens’ menstrual cycle. There are no absolutes to healthcare and there is no singular way to find a solution that works for you. Everyone has their own beat to their own drum, but there benefits to knowing the ebbs and flows. 

(12:05) Hunter Gatherers: It is impressive how they had to find their sources of nutrients while their blood sugar was dropping, ultimately tapping into the ketogenetic energy system or as Dr. Mindy Pelz likes to call it, “The Fat Burning System.” Body thrives on ketones which supercharge the brain, repair neurons and muscles. The longer you are in the ketogenic state, the more powerful we can become. But how can women reap the benefits? Estrogen levels are high early in a woman's menstrual cycle, and this is when it’s best to workout hard and push the limits, while glucose and insulin are down. When progesterone is high, we have the opposite, as when glucose is high you crave those guilty pleasures in the pantry.

(21:30) Packing Muscle Not Brains: Protein packs muscles with amino acids. If there is not enough balance, the body can't break it down and can’t make the neurotransmitters like gaba, serotonin, or dopamine. The lack of protein in modern diets and the increase in mental health issues is connected. In Dr. Mindy Pelz next book ‘What Happens to the Female Brain Over 40,’ she demonstrates how amino acids and minerals have different requirements throughout the menstrual cycle. The highest need for amino acids is the week before a period and not eating enough protein can lead to muscular and neurological problems.

(25:30) Timing is Everything: Testosterone surges a week before the cycle and during ovulation, making these the most important times to get protein. Women’s biggest testosterone surges are during ovulation. Women should do their most heavy lifting and muscle building during the 5-day ovulation window when testosterone and protein is at the peak.

(37:20) Talk the Talk:Fast Like a Woman’ has not been talked about enough and the more we spread the word, the more women will help put an end to chronic disease and mental suffering. Estrogen makes tendons tight and ligaments loose, so understanding your ovulation cycle could allow women to prevent injuries and perform at a higher level. As menopause settles in, collagen is depleted, making women more prone to injury during this time. This type of knowledge could hugely impact women all over the globe at different stages in their lives.

(42:20) Cycle Thoughts: - During days 1-10 of the menstrual cycle, estrogen is building, making this the best time for cardiovascular exercise. Days 11-15 is when estrogen is highest, and cardiovascular exercise can be beneficial but we need to be more careful at this time. Then, the week before ovulation is best for recovery and slower workouts. This is the time for muscle building and heavier lifts.

(55:30) - The Intersection between Hormones and Neurotransmitters: Cold plunges can be very beneficial during days 1-15. Progesterone goes shy when cortisol goes high because plunges boost cortisol, so over time there can be unproductive results. The peri-menopausal years typically have high and low levels of estrogen, whereas during the menopausal years we see steady declines in hormone levels, which means women are more susceptible to depression. With that said, the cold plunge is a mental health strategy to increase dopamine. Another benefit to the cold plunge is white fat turning into brown fat which is easier to burn. 

(1:00:00) Don’t Get Comfortable: This modern life has made us age quicker, gain weight, popularize chronic diseases because the body is not activating its stressor states or healing mechanisms. Adversity like cold plunges can help enhance the overall function of our bodies in that aspect.

In This Episode

Dr’ Mindy’s Book: Fast Like a Girl
Dr. Mindy’s Website
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