Lauren Berlingeri: Authenticity, Biohacking, and Holistic Recovery with Lauren Berlingeri

Lauren Berlingeri is the co-founder of HigherDOSE, a biohacker, entrepreneur, and former health coach. She is passionate about helping people feel their best through accessible science-backed wellness tools. Lauren is an innovator in health and wellness who is on a mission to bring what was once considered elite therapies to everyone. This episode covers the evolution of fitness, using your intuition for biohacking, the benefits of PEMF and Infrared technology, and the importance of self-worth.

  • The Evolution of Fitness and the Importance of Recovery: How overtraining and focusing solely on intense workouts can lead to burnout and health issues, particularly for women. Lauren shares her personal journey from endurance races and intense training to discovering the benefits of recovery and biohacking tools.

  • Replicating Nature through Technology: HigherDOSE technologies are designed to replicate the healing power of nature. PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency) technology mimics the earth's core frequency, which can help to reduce inflammation, lower cortisol levels, and promote a healing state. Infrared therapy mimics the warmth of the sun, and red light therapy mimics the regenerative properties of red and infrared light when the sun is at its most calming. These technologies aim to provide the benefits of nature when it is not readily accessible.

  • Biohacking and Intuition: Biohacking should be a journey of self-discovery focused on understanding what your body needs and building a strong relationship with yourself; using tools to optimize each moment and support your overall well-being, as well as about combining ancient wisdom with modern science.

The Importance of Authenticity and Self-Worth: Why it is so important to show up as your true self, being vulnerable and honest about your experiences and not just chasing perfection.


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